Our practice hygienist is specifically trained to treat gum disease and to educate our patients on oral hygiene techniques. Each patient’s individual needs are specifically tailored to, so that you can get the best advice and treatment for them. As well as educating patients and treating gum disease, our hygienist can also safely remove any superficial stains on teeth; using a modern ‘power jet’, leaving teeth completely clean.
Fissure Sealant
Sealants are a safe, painless and easy way of protecting your teeth from decay. A sealant is a protective, tooth coloured plastic coating we apply to the biting surface of the back teeth, forming a hard protective shield. It is a quick and easy preventative measure that keeps food and bacteria from getting into the grooves in the teeth and causing decay.
Oral Cancer Check
Mouth or Oral cancer can often be spotted in its early stages by your dentist during a thorough mouth examination. If recognised early, the chances of a cure are good. Anyone can be affected by mouth cancer, whether they have their own teeth or not.
Mouth cancers are more common in people over 40, particularly men, however research has shown that mouth cancer is becoming more common in younger patients and in women.
Sports Mouthguards
Sports Mouthguards cover the upper teeth and help minimise the risk of broken teeth during contact sports. It can cushion a blow to the face and help prevent injuries to the soft tissues of the mouth. In some sports wearing a mouthguard is a requirement, whilst in others it is recommended. Our mouthguards are custom-made to fit the wearer; giving a better fit, allowing safer participation in a wide range of sports including football, Gaelic, rugby, hockey and Martial Arts.
Our mouthguards are custom-made to fit the wearer; giving a better fit, allowing safer participation in a wide range of sports including football, Gaelic, rugby, hockey and Martial Arts. We can make a sports mouthguard in a variety of colours or patterns so that you or your child can follow the team colours, or stand out from the crowd.

Anti-Snoring Devices
Our most popular and effective anti-snoring device, the “Moses” appliance is an acrylic retainer that is worn in the mouth at night to treat obstructive sleep apnoea, hypopnea, upper airway resistance and snoring. This new, innovative device adds another dimension to oral-appliance therapy, as wearers are able to talk, drink, open wide, and close their lips with the appliance in place.
The bottom line is that it works and is very comfortable, therefore the patient wears it and gets help every night!
The Australasian Sleep Association states:
”Oral appliances of various designs have been used increasingly over the past 15 years to effectively treat snoring and OSA”